Thursday, March 10, 2011

Good Morning, Hear-say

So frustrated/depressed this morning. AH! I want to scream but I know it would cause me pain afterwards.

We got the copy of the police report in the mail today. I don't get why some random person's hear-say is even considered in it like its a fact. Plus I don't get how that person who was driving behind the chick that hit me could even see around her big SUV what happened.... sounds like a lot of BS to me. Plus they said they were going the speed limit so the person in front of them must've been too... Ok... who did the "witness" tell that to? A cop. Now what person in their right mind is going to tell a cop they were speeding... no one. Its just so frustrating because they call accidents an accident for a reason, they just happen. If I did not see this lady(who has no injuries and that's great but I am injured and my car is too) and she didn't see me... how is that my fault? I just don't understand, I feel like I am being chastised for something that I did not do. Its already hard enough that I am in so much pain, all concussion-ed up and dizzy, have NO car, am terrified to drive... and oh yah my insurance is picking up the tab so of course its going to raise my insurance rates.... but to also feel like I am being attacked every which way I look. The car accident, my family problems... I even made some peanut butter chocolate thing the other night and am being judged for those too for goodness sake! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?

Totally bummed... don't know what to do, not much I can do about any of the things going on. I want to run away and just live, not have to worry about bills/health/etc just be in the moment.


That Girl With Endo said...

That sucks. Sorry I am not more articulate and encouraging but it just plain sucks. As a Criminology graduate I could rave on and on about the 'veracity' of a witness statement. But I won't ;)

Blue Lou said...

Thanks, yeah I wish I had more energy and felt good enough to fight it... I just dont. So yes sucks.

That Girl With Endo said...

PS. I have a blog award waiting for you! I know what you mean about having the energy.