Thursday, March 3, 2011

Being alive is nice

Yesterday on the way to get my moles biopsied... got into a car accident. I was T-boned right where I was sitting.... I'm in a lot of pain. Thankfully I am alive and nothing too serious, need to watch the kidneys that's it. The stupid ER people sucked.... plus I didn't get any meds or even muscle relaxers(which is the main issue especially with me having Fibro with an accident). I was told it would get worse today and boy did it! The doc said to use 400mg ibuprofen, what a joke?! I use that now for headaches and it doesn't do much. In massive pain, thanking God I had just dropped my kid off at my moms and that I am alive. I am currently speaking my mind because life is too short. That pretty much sums that up.


Janet Christine said...

Praying for a quick recovery and less pain. I'm so sorry to hear that and even more upset that the ER did nothing for you. :(

Blue Lou said...

I went in to my family doc today(actually he was gone but someone in the office that was a doc)and he told me I even have a Mild Concussion.... so that was interesting and made sense. He gave me muscle relaxers and even asked if I needed pain pills which has never happened before. Im hoping Im on the road to not feeling as if I were dying.