Monday, February 21, 2011

Time out Central

I'm in much pain since I did a dinner for my grandfather yesterday night. The fact that I am dog sitting for my parents dog is definitely NOT helping matters. My kid isn't being mean to him she just wants to play and their other dog, Jack(the one I blogged about) used to let her come cuddle in his bed and just was very relaxed with her...unlike this dog who at one time was my brother's whom treated the dog like crap to where my parents finally took him. I'm pretty sure since my brother/his wife started ignoring and being mean to this dog around the same time they had their 1st child, he probably associates that with any kid. He is small and really annoyingly moody, so my kid is trying to play with him or just pet him and he is growling. I keep telling her to leave him alone and that doesn't work, doing MANY time outs. Its just a lot of extra stress I do not need.

I haven't been exercising this last 4-7 days because I just feel pain and yucky from all the family/personal stress going on. Not that I'm lazy or whatever, its a matter of I need to take care of my kid well and if that means I don't work out for a little while than that's what I need to do. Just frustrating, I woke up yesterday before my pain hit, and wanted to go to the trail for a walk and hubby refused stating he wanted to "sleep in" even though I let him the day before and this was the only time before my pain would hit along with exhaustion that I would be able to go. Its so irritating because usually he gets me but then it was like... he just didn't. But I will say it was very nice that he cleaned the house for me when I was preparing dessert ahead of time yesterday and dinner.

Someone had posted on some board about not being able to work out when they had been doing really good and I totally related so I told them that, and some other chick posts back about how if they waited around for more energy they would always be in bed so to pretty much just suck it up. It was messed up in my mind because just like anyone else I have other issues besides fibro, such as Endo my first disease which doesn't get any better after working out. Also other things but besides all of that the whole kid thing, so many people I seem to talk to are older or don't have kids and I feel like that is something so hard to explain that yeah I want to work out and I'm not lazy and I know I shouldn't expect more energy but if I had a frickin nanny... SURE I would be working out and able to do more because a kid takes a lot out of you. It would be nice for that to be acknowledged once and a while.

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