Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good for the Environment

I am so proud of my husband! Today when we got home from running errands and dealing with a cranky, sick child...we went outside and picked up trash that had been strewn from the neighbors yard into the street and some of it went into our ditch too after it was all mowed from the city. I always tend to think if people cant even pick up their own litter from their yard then I bet they aren't very clean people at any aspect of life.

It was so disgusting... beer cans galore! We still have a whole ditch or so to go on their side of the road but since we filled our garbage cans up and it doesn't get picked up until the end of the week we will have to wait until after garbage day. Its kind of frustrating that they don't get in trouble for having their yard littered with so much crap that it gets into the street and yards around it. Plus the fact that we are having to pay for our garbage to get picked up when in this case it wasn't our garbage at all. I want to do things that are good for the environment and also because I don't want friends/family that come over to see that, it looks trashy.
LITTER-ally. Haha I couldn't help myself! It just makes me mad because its not that I am some hippie person who knows too much about what people "should" do, its just a simple matter of clean up after yourself or your friends. I don't know if you can really report people and if so to who for their own yards or ditches? I just don't want to have to keep cleaning up their mess every couple of months, its not fair...especially to my husband who did most of it...because I was not feeling good. So I'm just so proud that we did this and that he was willing to clean up even when it wasn't our mess to clean.

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