Saturday, November 19, 2011


Today was a trying day. I had barely slept when I finally felt tired enough to go to bed, my hips were excruciating and my pelvic pain shot down my thighs it was awful. I woke up early then headed out the door to spend time with some extended family. There is so much drama in my family, its been ongoing set of crap because of B and recently was weighing heavily on me. I only have one sibling and he just doesn't care to have me or my kid in his life. He is that way towards my parents now too but not as much as he is to me. I even tried to extend out an olive branch to a holiday get together, and I found out he straight up blocked me in every way possible.... it really feels like hate towards me at this point. How can you hate your sister so much that a invite and saying I still love you and miss you turn into what it is? I just cannot understand and my mom has tried to tell me that he she had a sibling do that she wouldn't even try anymore, its just hard for me because I literally did nothing so there is nothing I can fix, yet I feel the need to fix the situation. I was also told that he has so much going on that he probably just cant handle dealing with how he feels towards us/working it out with us. Again, I just cannot comprehend this due to I have been having chronic pain since I was 16 and had horrible things happen to me etc... yet I have never treated anyone like that family or not.

But.... the good news is I am thankful. I am very thankful I do have what good health I do. I am thankful I have a great kid and a wonderful husband. I am thankful for the family I do have and are worth being in my life. While things obviously aren't perfect I am a better person for knowing the things I do, and going through the things I have. I guess I am gearing up for thanksgiving because all I can think of is I am thankful.

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