Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I'm back to the old so familiar "feeling" of numbness. I have pain so I do feel that and have moments of sadness or happiness but overall I'm in this rut. Money is non-existent, I am exhausted and in pain but I am still doing my workout. I am training for the half and am still excited about that. But everything else with finances piling up or my health just keeps clouding all of my good thoughts. I now have a lump that I have to get checked out which I am having serious anxiety about. I don't want cancer or anything more health wise to happen to me or our family so its almost a guilt of having more health issues. Trying to focus on the positive by at least eating pretty healthy and just keep on training. I don't want to go into the under current again, I want to make it out on top for once! Oh how the things in life change from what you had wanted your life to be.

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