Wednesday, April 6, 2011

PETA bullshit

Sorry if I offend with my title, but I believe that is exactly what they are...BULLSHIT. I have read multiple other blogs talking about the current campaign so I'm sure that majority of you have already read another blog who goes into more depth than I am going to. All the blogs that I have read discussing this have already done such a great job that I don't know what more I can say, besides that I think PETA has always been a group to get publicity even if it was bad, they don't seem to care. It kind of shocks me that in all their radical members they have, there isn't one or more that has infertility and would object to this(as far as I know none of the bloggers were at all a member of PETA). Things like this tend to make people who aren't infertile understand even less "what we are crying about" and make infertiles look a certain way which does not do them ANY justice. Here comes my last cuss of the day because I am so irritated by this considering the things I have been talking about with my own life lately.... FUCK PETA.

You cant break these infertiles, they are some strong ass women!

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