Do you ever find yourself asking "why?"... Why am I pushing myself? Why do I try to remain so positive for others when some of them don't do anything but remain negative? I'm taking it upon myself to be even more blatantly honest than I was before.... some people don't seem to understand things and it seems no one is willing to say things up front... I will be the jerk. This wont be my first time, I just cant handle stupidity anymore while I am in pain. For me to be honest with others(no matter how it makes me look) makes me more positive in the end and hopefully it'll help others to get their life on track too. I'm not going to be mean or put anyone down because that isn't my style, but I cannot tell a lie!
Still training and I feel like its making me feel better overall. Its still tough but I am starting to kind of love it. My husband even knows now not to tell me bad news before a workout because I freak out... but if he waits until after I'm like ok, whatever man, its all good! I feel like I am doing more things in life overall that I have done in years... sometimes its a little overwhelming though. I find myself getting frustrated while I am out and about smiling, happy, loving life and then my pain starts hitting me and I'm reminded of how it goes. I try to get home in time enough to keep the pain manageable. Days like today I didn't get home soon enough, but I was letting my kid enjoy a play date for a little bit longer. While I hate the pain, I loved seeing my kid play and enjoy her friend. I'm sure there will be plenty is times I will have to leave something early and LO will suffer too so why not take a little more pain once and a while so a kid can have some fun for once. So many kids never get the chance to stay a child for long, I want to try and keep mine for as long as I can.
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