Sunday, July 17, 2011

That feeling

Ah that oh-so-familiar feeling of alone. My old arch nemesis, comes back to haunt me again. Doesn't matter if I am in a room with people or I am by myself. It doesn't matter who I am talking to(typically), I feel like they don't want to get it. I even have endo sisters out there that I try to converse with and while some are very open to it, others make me feel like its a pity thing and then eventually stop talking to you altogether. Its a very unsettling feeling to have someone who supposedly has a life similar to yours in pain/issues and then have them up and decide you aren't worth speaking to. Its the same feeling of an old friend whether they had similar health issues or not... its a matter of you've been friends for a long time and then they just give you away. There are things I regret because I wasn't the perfect friend, no one is. Ive let friends go too as we grew apart but most of them just moved away and didn't stay in touch, and I didn't take that personally. When someone ends up in the same town as you though, you tend to take it personally. They don't have kids, or anything major because it was always the same things going on with them. I wonder how long my nemesis will be in the shadows lurking.


Gwenn Seemel said...

When I was first diagnosed with endo, some friends tried to connect me with other endo patients they knew and it never turned out well. It was like you described. And it was almost like I was reminding them of their disease so they wanted to have nothing to do with me.

At least there's a community online!

Blue Lou said...

Exactly Gwenn! Its like we find eachother because of the common illness reason yet its forbidden to be talked about or something. Very odd.