Went to the appointment today, it went ok actually. I seriously am starting to think that I must look like some state welfare case or something when I go into doctor offices because when my husband is with me, I get meds... no question. He is all skinny and healthy looking in his nice clothes and North face jacket... and I'm all frumpy. I was telling M this and she was laughing, since hubby is also being appointed the person in charge of someone's "stuff" and everyone always just loves him, M was joking that we should all just hire him just be around.
So I went to get my scripts filled and freaking Walgreen's which I normally don't have issues with(last time I got it filled there), said my insurance wouldn't fill it until after the 30th... which doesn't make sense since that doesn't leave me enough meds even for right now.
Called the insurance... somehow the script that Walgreen's was saying that about had actually been forwarded to another pharmacy sooo it wasn't even denied. Which I am glad because it would've been 3x the cost without insurance. What's the point of having insurance if it doesn't cover anything? There isn't a point, but glad that's not the case this time.
The doc said I should be getting physical therapy for my "whiplash" from the accident, but its frickin expensive. Then he whips open a drawer and talks about trigger point injections... no thank you. Unless its permanent I don't want to keep having to come back for injections into my deep muscles... the muscle relaxers do it for me just fine. He probably thought "If its THAT bad you would get the injections"... but I have issues with injections. I was told things about Lupron too and was lied to, once its in its final, with as a pill only lasts so long and can be discontinued. I don't want a reaction that cannot be stopped or long-term issues like I had with Lupron, just don't trust it.
Going to have a visit with someone tomorrow who has been on/off in the past. Her and B were married and now are getting divorced, its kind of a sticky situation. I like to hear both sides of the story not just because someone is related to me automatically take sides especially when my relative is a jackass. I am a loyal person but I don't feel as though I owe people anything when I cannot receive one iota of respect. I do what I want to do for me and my family, not for everyone else. I treat people with respect as always but I'm not going to bend over backwards if I am not getting it back in return. I just couldn't keep doing it, wasn't fair to me, and it wasn't fair to anyone else in my life really. When you think about it, if you are giving one person a free pass to treat you like crap, then all those other people that do so much for you are expected to have a different standard, its a very confusing message.
Happy to be alive, even if I will be in more pain for a while. I love my life, my family, the things I can do!
I had trigger point injections and they did not help me bit. They actually made me feel worse. Good choice!
Yeah Ive heard that from many people, and thats the point for me... is it worth if its going to mess something up?
Not to me its not.
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